The vacation settlement of Batera is an area that is developing rapidly and has hotel complexes (mostly family-style), rental apartments, rooms, studios, and organized camping so that the thousands of vacationers who visit the area every year can be comfortably served.

It also has several taverns, restaurants, disco cafes and bars whose owners are willing to treat you and serve you.

Batera is suitable for all kinds of holidays, intense or not, family or not, and due to their geographical location and the organization they have, they are the most suitable for water sports excursions with tourist boats, fishing day or night and even hiking routes in the surrounding green small mountains.

Polichnitos-Vatera came from the amalgamation of the beautiful villages and settlements of Polichnitos – Lisvori – Batera – Brisa – Nyfida – Basiliki – Stavros. It is located in the south-western part of the island (45Km from the capital Mytilini) divided between olive groves and pine forests, springs with clear water and wonderful beaches.

Its name derives from the combination of the words “Many traces” because according to oral tradition, many small villages (traces) mainly along the coast, for fear of the Saracen Pirates, were forced to move to the current location which is far from the sea, it is surrounded by heights and is invisible, both from the Gulf of Kalloni and from the Aegean Sea.